Peru Confirms H5N1 Avian Influenza Detected in 3 Sea Lions, 1 Dolphin

Peru Confirms H5N1 Avian Influenza Detected in 3 Sea Lions, 1 Dolphin
by News Desk
The National Agrarian Health Service of Peru, or SENASA in Lima reported yesterday that H5N1 avian influenza has been confirmed in three sea lions and one dolphin in a official communication published on Twitter (Computer translated):
- In order to safeguard the country’s poultry health, SENASA has managed to control forty-six (46) outbreaks of type A H5N1 influenza detected in domestic birds from Lambayeque, Cajamarca, La Libertad, Áncash, Lima and Ica.
- Epidemiological fences have been maintained andepidemiological surveillance actions have been intensified at the national level for rapid detection; in order to eradicate the disease in the shortest possible time.
- The provisions established through the declaration of health emergency remain in force. It is still prohibited to hold gallistic events, to mobilize domestic birds without a SENASA certificate, among other measures.
- To reduce the risk of spreading the disease, we urge all Peruvians to continue reporting any case of domestic bird mortality to the cell phone: 946 922 469 or to the email
- In relation to the sighting of marine species stranded on the beaches of the Peruvian coast, SERFOR comes carrying out the corresponding actions through the SERFOR Alert WhatsApp (947 588 269).
- As part of the articulated work, SERFOR communicated to SENASA the positive results for Avian Influenza type A H5N1 detected in three sea lions (Lima) and one dolphin (Piura); which were reported to the Ministry of Health for follow-up and appropriate measures, within its powers.
- When sighting dead or sick sea lions on the beaches, it is important that people follow the recommendations that SERFOR has been providing through its official communication channels.
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