Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Accurate data, up-to-date research, and knowledge of effective strategies and interventions are all essential to our ability to prevent suicide. This section provides information on the suicide problem and links to resources that can help you learn more.
An overview of the magnitude and patterns of suicidal behavior in the United States
Risk and Protective Factors [2]
Description of factors that increase suicide risk and factors that protect people from suicide
Warning Signs [3]
Behaviors that indicate that someone may be at immediate risk of suicide and information on how to respond
Costs of Suicide [4]
Information on the economic costs of suicidal behaviors in the United States
Topics and Terms [5]
Definitions of terms and concepts used in the field of suicide prevention
Populations [6]
Information and resources addressing suicide and specific groups
Settings [7]
Suicide prevention efforts should be conducted in multiple settings. This section will help you learn more about suicide prevention in particular settings.
Links within this resource
Printed on 10/08/2019 from